• State
    • Country
    • Race/Ethnicity
    • Languages
    • Licensed in States
    • Specialty(ies)
    • Board Certification
    First NameEmailCityState/Province/RegionZip/Postal CodeCountry of ResidenceRace/EthnicityLanguage(s)Licensed In United StatesSpecialty(ies)Board Certification
    Anita Simanitasim1@gmail.comMinneapolisMinnesota55417United StatesKoreanEnglishMinnesota, VirginiaAdult, GeriatricABCN
    Angeles Cheung, Ph.D., ABPPAngeles.Cheung@gmail.comNew YorkNY10022United StatesChineseEnglish, Cantonese, Chinese dialects, MandarinHawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New YorkAdult, GeriatricABPP
    Alexander Tanalexandertanphd@gmail.comOrangeCA92868United StatesChineseEnglish, Mandarin, SpanishCaliforniaPediatricABCN
    Aldrich Chanaldrichpfc@gmail.comCoral GablesFlorida33133United StatesChineseEnglish, Cantonese, SpanishFloridaLifespanN/A
    Augustina Sulastriag.sulastri@unika.ac.idSemarangCentral Java50269IndonesiaIndonesianEnglishAdultN/A
    Aarti Nairaartinair@gmail.comLoma LindaCA92350United StatesIndianEnglish, Hindi, Malayalam, MarathiCaliforniaPediatric, LifespanN/A

    Please note that this directory serves as a resource for purposes such as seeking clinical or expert services or making a referral. Membership in ANA is not intended to imply endorsement by the Association or evidence of competency in neuropsychology or language proficiency. Duplication or reproduction by any means or use of this directory as a mailing list without the written consent of the Asian Neuropsychological Association is prohibited. This list is not exhaustive and only includes the information of ANA members who chose to be listed in the directory.