Research Digest – July 2019

Author: Gabriel Qi

Welcome to this month’s ANA Listserv Research Digest, where we bring you articles
relevant to ANA members! For our first time, we wanted to highlight an article
by Grote and Novitski (2016), who reviewed data regarding the education, training,
and practice of neuropsychologists from 14 surveyed countries/regions. Six of these
countries/regions are geographically located in Asia, including China, Hong Kong,
India, Israel, Japan, and South Korea! For the interested reader, information such as
number of neuropsychologists, ratio of neuropsychologists to national population,
and training requirements are included. It is clear that countries/regions continue to
vary significantly in both the practice and science of clinical neuropsychology and
related education and training guidelines, and the article urges leaders in the field to
confer with each other to establish and improve educational and training pathways.

On a more creative note, take a look at this article by Lee, Tsai and Chen (2015) who
report on the paintings of a Chinese artist before and after he developed Alzheimer’s
dementia. Although five earlier studies had examined AD’s impact on professional
painters, this was one of the first case reports in a non-Western artistic tradition!


• Grote, C. L., & Novitski, J. I. (2016). International perspectives on education,
training, and practice in clinical neuropsychology: Comparison across 14 countries
around the world. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30(8), 1380-1388.
• Lee, Y. T., Tsai, Y. C., & Chen, L. K. (2015). Progressive changes in artistic
performance of a Chinese master with Alzheimer’s disease. Cortex, 69, 282-283