Community Corner – December 2020

Author: Ivy Cho

For December’s Community Corner we are focusing on externships! Hopefully, these questions can guide you during the search and interview process. 


General Site Questions

1) How many days a week are expected from a student?

2) What is the caseload per week?

3) Does the site have expectations regarding training level (i.e., junior vs. senior students)?

4) What assessment instruments will I be trained on?

5) Will I be working as part of an interdisciplinary team?

6) What does a typical day look like for a student?

Supervision Questions

1) How many supervisors are involved in training?

2) How many supervision hours per week?

3) What is the supervision style?

Other Questions

1) Are research opportunities available?

2) Are didactic opportunities available?


1) What are things to consider when you have an interpreter in the room?

2) What is your favourite neuropsychological test and why?

3) Take us through a case conceptualization. 

4) Take us through an ethical dilemma and how it was resolved. 

5) If your site is focused on working with a specific population (e.g., epilepsy and Parkinson’s), you may be asked the different cognitive profiles of each population.